Introducing Kiki

The Hub of Queer Fun and Entertainment

We are excited to unveil Kiki, our latest product launch! Kiki is a social activity network and the leading ticketing platform for in-person and virtual events, centering the LGBTQ+ experience. 

I’m sure you are wondering: “What is a social activity network?” This pioneering concept uses the framework of a social network paired with a ticketing app experience. Unlike a social media network that is purely digital, Kiki bridges the online and the offline worlds, allowing organizers to create, plan and promote their events, and guests to discover them. While users cannot post and comment in our first version of the app, all parties can communicate using “Safespace,” a private chat to interact and conduct business.

Kiki is designed with the LGBTQ+ community in mind, in that, our tools and feature set are optimized to the way that LGBTQ+ folks navigate the world and offers controls for privacy and safety, when necessary. We devised Kiki to allow queer folks to be able to find events when they travel, including in countries and localities that are still hostile to queer people, and to connect the global queer community.

However, Kiki isn’t designed to be a queer-only space, nor is it exclusive to queer folks. It is meant to be enjoyed by everyone who attends and finds interest in the things queer people care about. It centers queer culture and entertainment (queer and otherwise) and is designed to bring together different facets of queer culture, to build community, and to bring greater prosperity to queer businesses and enterprises that support and cater to queer people. Therefore, allies are welcome to our potluck.

As we make further product advancements with Kiki, we hope that users will bring to it the same love and passion that we poured into it so that all can feel at home. We welcome feedback and encourage you to do so at our contact page.

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